Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mock Draft #1

1. Carolina Panthers- A.J. Green
The Panthers have a lot of options when it comes to the number 1 overall pick, and they have a lot of holes to fill. Do they go with the thought of building a team from the inside out and go with Fairley, or do they go with the top defensive end prospect? Personally I do not think so. I think that A.J. Green has such a great upside and with an aging Steve Smith they need to help take some of the pressure off of him. It will also be a great tandem for whomever is going to be playing quarterback for the Panthers.
2. Denver Broncos- Patrick Peterson CB/Louisiana State University
It really hurts me to put Peterson here, mainly because of how much I wish the Vikings could have a chance at him. But to why the Broncos take him here. It is no secret that the defense of the Broncos really needs some help, and with the loss of all-pro cornerback Champ Bailey they are going to need to find a replacement, and who better than the best corner prospect in the draft. He has everything you want in a cornerback, speed, smooth hips, good instincts, and is physical enough to play in press-man systems.  Overall they get a player who I think is going to be the next great corner in the NFL.
3. Buffalo Bills- Von Miller OLB/Texas A&M University
What is the biggest need for a 3-4 defense besides a clogging Nose Tackle? Just ask the Packers and Steelers how Clay Matthews and Lamarr Woodley are working out for them. With Miller the Bills get that rush linebacker that every defense needs, but that is not where his game is supplanted to, he is also athletic enough to drop back into coverage which is very big. Before the Senior Bowl Miller was looked at as maybe a mid 1st round pick, but after showing how versatile and athletic he is, there is no doubt that one of the first 3-4 teams are going to jump on him.
4. Cincinnati Bengals- DaQuan Bowers DE/Clemson University
What is not to love about DaQuan Bowers? He has the imposing size, the athleticism, the variety of moves to get the quarterback, and the production to show that he can be a great defensive end at the next level. When Bowers came to Clemson as the number 1 recruit in the nation there was a lot of hype around him and his junior year all scouts saw that potential come out. Hopefully he continues to progress at the next level because he has all the tools to become another Mario Williams and Cincinnati probably wouldn't mind getting one of those.

5. Arizona Cardinals- Blaine Gabbert QB/University of Missouri
With this pick the Cardinals are going to be able to get out of the shadow that was Kurt Warner. It is no secret that with Warner's retirement it put a huge burden on the entire team and led to their putrid 2010-11 season. The mix of Leinart, Hall, and Skelton did not do enough to show that they are the future in Arizona, so with this pick they get their play caller of the future, and keep their biggest asset, Larry Fitzgerald, happy for years to come. 

6. Cleveland Browns- Nick Fairley DT/Auburn University
This my followers, is my first surprise of the draft. For some reason, I really don't know what it is I feel that after the combine, and interviews Fairley is going to slide a little bit in the draft. When people try and put Fairley on the same pedestal as Ndamukong Suh it really baffles me. He has in no way the same power, and ability to get to the back field. That being said he still has the potential to be a very good football player at the next level, and with this pick Cleveland finally catches a break.
 7. San Francisco 49ers-Marcell Dareus DE/DT/University of Alabama
Coming into the year Dareus was considered by some draft insiders as a potential top 3 pick, with the possibilities of moving all the way up to the top spot. This guy has the potential to play either the five technique or the nose tackle in a 3-4 system, which San Francisco desperately needs since Aubrayo Franklin is the only player on the line that fits their system. Hopefully the Niners hit gold here because Dareus has the potential to be a good player at the next level.
8. Tennessee Titans- Cameron Jordan DE/University of California
I apologize Titans fans but I just cannot see the Titans falling in love with another mobile quarterback with a big arm. The Titans need help on the defensive side of the ball, and Jordan is one of the biggest risers the past couple weeks on big boards. He is very good against the run, and is a great pass rusher. With this pick the Titans finally replace Kyle Vanden Bosch, which was desperately needed, and gain a defensive end with pro bowl potential.

9. Dallas Cowboys- J.J. Watt DE/University of Wisconsin
One word to describe the Cowboys: OLD! They need to get younger and more athletic. They have definite needs on the offensive line and it is very hard for me not to give them Solder or Smith to become their franchise left tackle. In the end defense wins championships and they need to get another pass rusher on the other side of DeMarcus Ware. Watt is a very underrated end and has the motor to make plays that he has no business making, which is why I think he will be so valuable at the next level. Hopefully Dallas hits a home run with this pick to start off the new regime in the right direction. 

10. Washington Redskins- Cam Newton QB/Auburn University
This to me is one of the hardest picks in the draft. Without a doubt the 'Skins need to get a franchise quarterback and with this pick Shannahan gets his guy for the future. Newton is a major boom/bust candidate, but it is well worth the risk. He has a rocket arm, good accuracy, and the leadership ability that a quarterback needs at the next level. Newton definitely has the potential to revolutionize the quarterback position with his athletic ability and his ability to throw the football. Good luck 'Skins.

11. Houston Texans- Aldon Smith/University of Missouri
If the Texans ever want to be considered a contender they are going to have to sure up that defense of theirs. They have some very good pieces in place with Mario Williams, Brian Cushing, and Demeco Ryans but they have to keep progressing, and with the pick of Smith that should really help. If Smith would of stayed at school he has top 10 talent so the Texans know they are getting a quality pick here. Look for the Texans to address defense with most of their picks, hopefully in the secondary as well.

12. Minnesota Vikings- Prince Amukamara CB/University of Nebraska
What to do oh what to do? The Vikings came off a stellar season in 2009-10, and absolutely bombed this past year. They have quite a few holes that they are going to need to sure up if they want to get back to the NFC title game. First starting with the quarterback position. They need to replace Favre but with this pick there is no one of value to give that kind of money. Instead they address the second biggest need with Amukamara. He has a chance to fall a little bit since he does not have the top end speed, but he is very good with zone coverages which is what Minnesota's defense is about. With Amukamara and Cook they should have a very good secondary for years to come.

13. Detroit Lions- Jimmy Smith CB/University of Colorado
The Lions are going to be a scary team in the very near future. They have all of the foundations that teams need in order to succeed, defensive tackle, quarterback, and wide receiver. Now with the addition of a very talented corner they are on the path to becoming a very good football team. Smith did not get a lot of attention because he played on a bad team, but the Lions are salivating hoping that he lasts to this pick.

14. St. Louis Rams- Julio Jones WR/University of Alabama
Sam Bradford is jumping up and down right now as he finally gets the franchise receiver that he did not have last year. Jones can quickly become the go to guy and  a future pro-bowler in my opinion, he has that much talent. He is big, fast, physical, everything you want in a first round pick wide receiver. Josh McDaniels, have fun. 

15. Miami Dolphins- Tryon Smith OT/University of Southern California
They are going to have one of the most complete set of bookends in the league in the future. With himself and Jake Long it won't matter who is playing quarterback, they should be able to get it done with the amount of time they'll have. They will definitely need to address the wide receiver position, but I think they can wait until later, maybe Cecil Shorts? 

16. Jacksonville Jaguars- Robert Quinn DE/University of North Carolina
We lost the opportunity of seeing Quinn play this year which really hurt his draft stock. He had the potential to be a top 5 pick if he had played this year. He will give the Jaguars a very talented pass rusher, unfortunately they still need to address the quarterback position, and they have a few candidates in the 2nd round. 

17. New England Patriots Torrey Smith WR/University of Maryland
I think they surprise some people here and go with a guy who may be teetering on the cusp of getting into the 1st round. Torrey Smith is a guy that I think is going to sneak up draft boards after the combine. He could come in and become the home run hitter that the Patriots need for their offense. Tommy Brady can have a great time getting this kid to learn the ropes, and develop into a good option in the future.
18. San Diego Chargers- Gabe Carimi OT/University of Wisconsin
I like what the Chargers have in place with Mathews and Rivers, but Rivers won't be around very long if he keeps getting hit like he does. With Carimi they solve two problems that needed to be addressed, the right tackle slot, and their lack of a running game last year. Carimi was a powerful run blocker at Wisconsin and with his services can definitely help them in that area.

19. New York Giants- Anthony Castonzo
The Giants really have no problems on the offensive side of the ball other than the tackle position. William Beatty is a solid player but is limited to playing over on the right side of the line, and with the acquisition of Castonzo can help ensure Eli Manning will stay upright for years to come. They still will need to address the outside linebacker position but there are a few prospects they can look at later in the draft.
20. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- Adrian Clayborn DE/University of Iowa
Last year the Bucs made it clear that they were going to go for the interior of the defensive line, now it is time to address the outside. With this pick they now have an upgrade over Stylez G. White, and have a young core that could develop into a top unit in the future. Clayborn had a down year this year but I do not think that should knock him too bad because he is still a very talented kid. 

21. Akeem Ayers OLB/University of California Los Angeles 
The Chiefs offense definitely need to get another playmaking wide receiver to play on the other side of Bowe, but this is a deep draft for wide out's where they can get someone in round 2-4. With this pick they get a quality outside backer who has loads of potential. Ayers has the instincts where he will be able to rush the pasher, and the athleticism to play in coverage. Look for the Chiefs to be up and coming in the next couple of years.
22. Indianapolis Colts- Nate Solder OT/University of Colorado
The Colts need a lot of help with the offensive line if they want to keep Peyton Manning standing with that big new contract of his. The line last year had constant replacements playing which led to inconsistency and a lack of time for Manning to throw. With this pick they have a tackle who has the athleticism to play on the left side, and probably has the best ability in pass protection. Look for Solder to progress into a big time tackle in the future.
23. Philadelphia Eagles- Brandon Harris CB/University of Miami
Eagles are a team that does not have a lot of needs except maybe for depth purposes. With this pick they get another corner to play on the other side of Samuels, which they definitely need. Some people would say that they should address the need at offensive guard here but the 2nd round is a much better time to find a prospect. With this pick they should have a good set of corners for the next few years.
24. New Orleans Saints- Muhammad Wilkerson DT/Temple University
Wilkerson was thought of as a possible top 10 selection if he were to go back to school for his senior year so the value is definitely in the Saints favor. He is a guy that is athletic enough to be the five technique in their defense, and should be a stout player against the run and the pass. With Ellis and Wilkerson they should have a pretty solid line in the very near future. 

25. Seattle Seahawks- Titus Young WR/Boise State 
The Seahawks have their possession receiver in Big Mike Williams, and now with Young they get their receiver to stretch the field.  Young had been drawing some comparisons to a poor mans Desean Jackson so I doubt that the Seahawks would mind if he turned out half as good as D-Jax has become. With Tate, Williams, and Young they have a very talented group of receivers, and Hasselbeck could have some fun in his last few years in the league. 

26. Baltimore Ravens- Jonathan Baldwin WR/University of Pittsburgh
The Ravens need a big play receiver on the other side of Boldin and with Baldwin they get a player with loads of potential that just needs the right disciplinarian to mold him. Sounds like the perfect job for Harbaugh. This kid has all of the measurables and talent of a top 10 pick so Joe Flacco should have a new favorite target. 

27. Atlanta Falcons- Ryan Kerrigan DE/Purdue University
The Falcons need another pass rusher on the other side of Abraham and with Kerrigan they get the perfect complement as they get someone who is stout against the run and the pass. The Falcons defense still needs to address other elements such as linebackers but with Kerrigan they have assembled a pretty promising defensive end duo.

28. New England- Cameron Heyward DE/The Ohio State University
The Patriots need to get younger on the defensive side of the ball and it starts with getting younger on the edges. Their primary needs are defensive end and outside linebacker so with this pick they get one out of the way. Heyward is the perfect fit for their 3-4 defensive scheme, and can develop into a very talented player in the right system.
29. Chicago Bears- Ben Ijalana OT/Villanova
The Bears without a doubt need offensive line depth and with this pick they start to sure up the position that gave so may problems last year. Ijalana is a four year starter at Villanova and has all the tools to be a starting left tackle in the NFL. He has the drive block ability, and the long arms to gain the leverage that he needs. With Ijalana they get a player who has all the athleticism that you could ask for in a tackle, and who is very sound in their technique. 
30. New York Jets- Rahim Moore S/University of California Los Angeles
Jim Leonhard is a solid player for Rex Ryan's defense but it is time to get more athletic and get a bigger playmaker. With this pick they get a player who had a quality career at UCLA, including 10 interceptions in the 2009 season. He is a solid tackler but tends to try and drag down receivers instead of wrapping them up and tackling. Overall they get a solid player who quarterbacks are going to have to worry about playing center field for the Jets.
31. Pittsburgh Steelers- Aaron Williams CB/University of Texas
The Packers may of given the NFL world of how to beat the Steelers: get as many receivers on the field as possible and spread them out. With Williams they get a stout player in press coverage, which they need with a physical system. Williams may not ever be a star, but should be a very solid corner and provide the Steelers with what they need most, depth.

32. Green Bay Packers- Justin Houston OLB/University of Georgia
Where do the Packers really have a hole? O yeah, no where. They have the receiving corps only to be put together in Madden, a quarterback everyone dreams of having, and a goo defense. With this going for you it is nice to use the draft to add depth. With Houston they get an outside backer on the side of Matthews who will also be able to rush the passer. Sucks to be a Vikings fan.

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